updated 2024-09-04
xxiivv webring



During one of my monthly CBD wanderings, my curiosity led me down an unfamiliar path, and there it was, a building I had never seen before; one that seemed to beckon me closer. The structure loomed over me, a seemingly mundane seven-story multi-level carpark. It seemed fairly empty, with only a few cars visible from the outside. Empty, but clearly not abandoned.

As I approached, I noticed something odd about the top of the building; a massive concrete structure perched on the roof, embedded with tall glass windows, and adorned with a collection of cell towers. Its exterior walls were covered in indecipherable graffiti.

Hesitating a little, I ventured within via the main entrance.

An illustration of large parking garage with a strange concrete structure on top

As I entered, the smell of stagnant water struck my nostrils. The interior was brightly lit, but paradoxically dark, as if the flickering fluorescent tubes only served to thicken the shadows.

Almost immediately after entering, I sensed movement in my peripheral vision. There was a security guard moving to block my path; I quickened my pace to avoid confrontation, and he seemed to give up almost immediately. As I continued up the ramp to the first storey, I saw him settle back into his office chair, engrossed in his mobile phone.

I steadily continued up the building; it seemed taller than it did from the outside. Then I noticed something strange. There were no cars anywhere. I swore I could see some from the outside, but it didn't matter. I had to make it to the top.

As I climbed the seemingly unending ramps and stairwells of the structure, I felt a sense of dread building within me. It felt as if a great pressure was crushing my head, but despite my better judgement, I continued upward, until finally I reached the top.

At the building's peak was where the negative aura was strongest. The air felt thick with an evil energy that made my skin crawl, as if I were being watched by a thousand eyes.

The view from the top was interesting, but it was not the time to take in the sights. I looked around for an entrance to the concrete block above me, but there was none.

Somewhat disappointed, I leaned against the railing and looked down at the people on the street.

It was beginning time to leave, so I picked up my bag again and turned around, taking a last look at the colossal block of concrete above me.

And there was someone looking down at me.

He was wearing a black suit and tie, and had a smug look on his face; as if he were taunting me. We met eyes for a moment, and he flicked his cigarette, disappearing from sight.

I hastily descended the carpark floors, shocked as to what I had seen.

As I left the building via the same entrance I came in, the security guard was nowhere to be seen. The negative energy of the building faded as soon as I left the carpark's threshold, like a massive weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

When i went home, I searched online for any information on the building, but there was nothing. No records, no ownership, no reviews, no one asking what was inside. It was impossible to find a single sentence saying that the building was anything other than a regular old parking garage.

I'll return to this building one day, probably with a really tall ladder. Actually, now that I think of it, the entrance was probably at street-level anyway. I'll bring a really tall ladder regardless, just for the intimidation factor.