Afaarmiša Grammar - Adjectives


In Afaarmiša, Adjectives are treated similarly to verbs.
For example:

Hamoc 'To be hungry'
Limu hamocas. means 'We were hungry.'

Adjectival verbs with objects

Usually, an adjective is given no object. Eg:
Sagono uru. means 'The stone is red.' lit. 'The stone reds.'

However, if an adjective is given an object, it means that the subject observes that the object is that adjective. Eg:
Paiya sagonokin uru. means 'A person saw that the stone is red.' lit. 'Person reds the stone.'

Adjective modifiers

Adjective modifiers can be added before the verb conjugational suffixes.

-(m)urun: -un, opposite of X, as in sai 'good' → saimurun 'not good, bad'
-(e)toc: -ish, weakening of X, as in hamoc 'hungry' → hamocetoc 'a bit hungry'
-(e)baal: very, strengthening of X, as in erii 'funny' → eriibaal 'very funny'


To compare adjectives, the appropriate prefix must be added to the word. This prefix must be the last prefix added before the base word.

kyoro-: more, greater than, as in sai 'good' → kyorosai 'better'
macoro-: less, lesser than, as in sai 'good' → macorosai 'worse'
falkyoro-: much more, much greater than, as in sai 'good' → falkyorosai 'much better'
urdumacoro-: much less, much lesser than, as in sai 'good' → urdumacorosai 'much worse'
kyo-: most, as in sai 'good' → kyosai 'best'
macu-: least, as in sai 'good' → macusai 'worst'
palac(u)-: equal, just as, as in sai 'good' → palacusai 'no better, just as good'
laybarakut(u)-: as much as possible sai 'good' → laybarakutusai 'as good as possible, as well as one can'


To make an adjective into an adverb, the adjective must first be aligned with the word it is describing, and then the suffix -(a)sur is added. The adverb is then placed after the word it is describing.


Ohnu borofkokin činyas gamaračukasur... ub kičaborin kičaasbirayatas.
she.PROX ball-ACC throw-PPFV playful-PPFV-ADV and window-ACC break-IC-PPFV
She playfully threw the ball... and broke the window.

Adjectives from nouns

To make an adjective from a noun, the appropriate suffix must be added to the end. The word can then be conjugated similarly to any other adjective.

-mus: -like, -ish, as in dola 'child' → dolamus 'to be childish' or 'to be childlike'
-laap: -less, as in 'podyii' → podyiilaap 'to be shoeless' or 'to be barefoot'