Example Sentences

Bayai uru saistisaža gonokin činyas sapaiya depolamčaroboža duirokin rum.
bad red DEF-bird-LOC rock-ACC throw-PPFV DEF-person DIST-house-LOC apple-ACC eat
The bad person who threw a rock at the red bird is at that house over there, eating an apple.

Čaloionin tosaturas sadamočin gagaž čin sadamoč tosaturas čaloionin sayoias.
fish-ACC catch_fish-PPFV DEF-man-ACC hate.PIMPV but DEF-man catch_fish-PPFV fish-ACC delicious-PPFV
I hate the man that caught the fish, but the fish the man caught was delicious.

Ohnu borofkokin činyas gamaračukasur... ub kičaborin kičaasbirayatas.
she.PROX ball-ACC throw-PPFV playful-PPFV-ADV and window-ACC break-IC-PPFV
She playfully threw the ball... and broke the window.

Hamocasušahlun, čaroža korušas.
hungry-GER-ABL home-LOC go-PPFV
I went home because I was hungry.

Yu bahanhlun čaroža korušas?
Q why-ABL home-LOC go-PPFV
Why did you go home?

Balsaža nuukoruško.
shop-LOC NEG-go-FUT
I will not go to the store.

Šomin rumalhurum sadamoč šoprotocaža korušahlurum.
meat-ACC eat-HAB DEF-man butcher-LOC go-HAB
The man who eats meat regularly goes to the butcher.

Haylosancamohlun, erenyataža gimgimuulas.
one_before_last_one-day-ABL stage-LOC dance-PIMPV
On the day before yesterday, I was dancing on a stage.

Vasaraža nuučirikukorušas, yu čam kokoruš?
outside-LOC NEG-cold-COND Q you go-FUT.PFV
If it's not cold outside, will you go?

Lim yayukarukin rumša bakhloro, patalanokin rumšunkin.
1PL.IN sweetsACC eat-GER before vegetableACC eat-NEC
Before we eat sweets, we should eat vegetables.