The North Wind and the Sun


The north wind and the sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak.

They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveller take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other.

Then the north wind blew as hard as he could, but the more he blew the more closely did the traveller fold his cloak around him; and at last the north wind gave up the attempt.

Then the sun shone out warmly, and immediately the traveller took off his cloak.

And so the north wind was obliged to confess that the sun was the stronger of the two.


Yusač Saoplota ub Saera yu meyan kyorogolakšalukin čaračarmukasuša žakto tuulhan čirondiikin opopakaias malomšarimo iopas.
north DEF-wind and DEF-sun Q who CMPR.more-strong-GER-about-ACC argue-PIMPV-GER while warm cloak-ACC wear-PIMPV traveller arrive-PPFV
While the north wind and the sun were arguing about who was stronger, a traveller who was wearing a warm cloak arrived.

Čeromio lačan malomšarimo čirondiikin bilotayahunim alkasasur dohlonacasasur manin tošimhlun kyorogolakbokatokšunkinas.
3PL.PROX whoever traveller cloak-ACC take_off_clothes-CAUS first-PPFV-ADV successful-PPFV-ADV NDEF other-ABL CMPR-strong-CAUS-NEC-PPFV
They agreed that whoever is the one who successfully makes the traveller take off their coat first would have to be considered stronger than the other.

Boflo, Yusač Saoplota fulodas laybarakutugolakasasur, čin kyorogolak fuloša malomšarimo tunžiilaranža čirondiikin iriyagauracoiodas kyorocibonasasur, Jusač Saoplota ahalmanas dagsunasasur.
next north DEF-wind blow-PPFV CMPR.as_best_as_possible-strong-PPFV-ADV but CMPR.more-strong blow-GER traveller body-around-LOC cloak-ACC wrap-CAUS-PPFV CMPR.more-tight-PPFV-ADV north DEF-wind give_up-PPFV final-PPFV-ADV
Next, the north wind blew as hard as it could, but blowing harder caused the traveller to wrap his cloak tighter, and finally the north wind gave up.

Boflo, Saera irolonagas tuulhanasasur, malomšarimo čirondiikin bilotabokatokas sohagafasasur.
next DEF-sun shine-PPFV warm-PPFV-ADV traveller cloak-ACC take_off_clothes-CAUS.naturally-PPFV immediate-PPFV-ADV
Next, the sun shone warmly, causing the traveller to immediately take off his cloak.

Sašuhlun, Jusač Saoplota bačmahlužaža Saera kyorogolakšakin yakaralatonunkinas.
this-ABL north DEF-wind two-inside-LOC DEF-sun CMPR.more-strong-GER-ACC concede-OBL-PPFV
Because of this, the north wind was forced to concede that, out of the two of them, the sun was stronger.