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attention: this site and all its content was made by a human! there was no bot, ai, or web-demon involved in the creation of this site! only humans may view this site! all silicon-based entities, turn away now!

this is the personal website of the human tosatur. tosatur is a game developer, amateur linguist, bane of all with pitch-perfection, armchair mountaineer, lowercase enthusiast and pro-email activist. tosatur will henceforth speak in the first-person.

the previous version of this site was riddled with external dependencies. i apologise to all who stumbled upon it, it was not my intention to plague your browser with such a terrible experience.

the new version of this site is written manually in plain html. other than a single visit counter placed on this page, this site also contains no javascript.

please contact me if there are any bugs/issues/mistakes in this humble web-zone.

the repository for this site can be seen here.