updated 2024-09-05
xxiivv webring


Mitch Nolan Brawl is a 3D fighting game featuring my friends as the playable characters. It was inspired by Tekken 7.

The game used Steam's multiplayer service; each match could have up to 4 people in a free-for-all format. The last fighter standing wins.

I made the characters by taking a picture of my friends' faces, then putting them on a base mesh, and modelling clothes over them.

Each of the characters has abilities based on their real-life counterpart; for example, one of my friends is really into weightlifting, so his character had the ability to throw massive weight plates at his opponents.

I put a lot of effort into the UI of this game; I based it somewhat on Tekken's UI. It doesn't look as good, but I'm quite proud of it, as it's definitely the best UI I've made.

I initially gave every character the ability to heal themselves, but after playtesting, we found that it would make the matches extremely long and drawn out, so I ended up removing the ability.

Some characters have the ability to do a strong kick which sends the opponent flying; this is probably the most fun thing in the game.