updated 2024-09-03
xxiivv webring


I am Tosatur, and this is my personal website. Here, I host my writing, and information about my various projects.

I describe myself as a game developer, amateur linguist, bane of all with pitch-perfection, armchair mountaineer, terminal enthusiast, and pro-email activist.

If you found my page via the XXIIVV webring, I encourage you to check out the other websites as well, as they were all a huge inspiration to this one.

Last updated

  • [2024-09-05] — Updated the /now page.
  • [2024-09-03] — I updated the design of the entire website.

Featured pages

  • /now — What I'm doing at the moment
  • /colophon — How this website was made
  • /contact — Let me know how cool my website is
  • /stuff-i-like — Things I enjoyed reading, playing, listening to, etc.
  • /sitemap — A list of every page on this website


  • /writing — Stories and opinions on various topics
  • /music — Songs I have made
  • /games — Video games I developed or am currently developing
  • /software — Software or websites I wrote
  • /photography — Photos I took, with descriptions
  • /languages — Conlangs I developed